Masklara Genel Bak??

Quick Mask
?lk önce yeni bir belge aç?p foto?raf?m?z? yerle?tiriyoruz. Layer katman?na gelip foto?raf? seçili hale getiriyoruz.

Seçili hale getirdikten sonra Select => Modify => Contac ile belli bir de?er girerek secili alan? daraltt?r?yoruz. Ben burda 40 de?erini verdim.

Q tu?una basarak ya da "edit in quick mask" secene?ine t?klayarak foto?raf?m?z? maskl?yoruz. Bundan sonra foto?raf?m?za efekt verece?iz. Filter menüsündeki Artistic ve Pixelate bölümündeki tüm filtreleri kullanabilirsiniz. Ben Burda Filter => Pixelate => Crystalize efektini kullanaca??m.

Efektimizi verdik. ?imdi quick mask'tan ç?k?yoruz. Edit in standart More secene?ine t?klayarak veya q tu?una basarak ç?k?yoruz.

Seçili alan?n d??ar?s?n? seçmek için select => inverse secene?ine t?kl?yoruz.

Seçili alan? silerek verdi?imiz efektin nas?l göründü?ünü görebilirsiniz.

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Layer Mask

Layer Masks are a very powerful part of Photoshop and that is for a couple of reasons:

  • Layer Masks are editable selections that play an important role in non destructive editing
  • Layer Masks offer flexibility because they can be almost completely treated as a full gray scale image, which allows the use of filters, selection tools, adjustment tools, etc.
  • They have a visual strength, meaning that with a short look on the layers you can see how they affect the image
  • They offer extra flexibility by being part of vector masks, layer sets, adjustment layers, etc.
  • Layer masks allow you to save selections


Layer Masks are always saved when you save your document.

Layer Mask are quite often used to hide pixels, but can also be used to mask the result of an adjustment layer.
In this introduction we're only going to focus on hiding pixels. later on we'll see how layer masks can be used in combination with adjustment layers and layer sets.

So how do layer masks work? A layer mask is actually telling photoshop how to deal with the layer it's attached to and does this by using shades of gray. Let's focus for now only on black & white masks.

To understand layer masks you have to remember the following:

  • The color black in a layer mask hides the corresponding pixels in the linked layer (actually makes those pixels transparent).
  • The color white leaves the corresponding in the linked layer intact; it doesn't do anything with them

In our example we have two layers in our layers palette;

  • A background layer that is green
  • A layer named Layer 1 that is on top and is color yellow

We also notice a black & white image on the right side of our Layer 1; that's the famous layer mask.

Masks explainedSo what does that mean in our example? It means that the black ellipse is hiding the the corresponding pixels in the yellow layer (Layer 1).
What we see in our document window is always the result of looking down on the layers in the layers palette, starting at the top layer and in most cases ending with a background layer. All these are stacked on top of each other like playing-cards. Our yellow 'card' has a hole in it and that's why it's the only area where we can see the layer underneath, in our case the green layer. The result is a yellow square with in the middle a green ellipse.

So remember; black hides pixels (or hides the result of an adjustment layer)

This tutorial is split into several sections:

  • Creating a Layer Mask (all visible)
  • Creating a Layer Mask (all hidden)
  • Using a brush to paint on the Layer Mask
  • Active Layer Mask
  • Inactive Layer Mask
  • Unlinked Layer Mask
  • Disabling a Layer Mask
  • Deleting a Layer Mask
  • Editing a Layer Mask in the document window
  • Right click on Layer Mask (context menu)
  • Apply Layer Mask
  • Layer Mask with gray
  • Layer Masks and gradients
  • Layer Styles in combination with Layer Masks
  • Vector Mask
  • Combining a Layer Mask with a Vector Mask
  • Combining Layer Masks
  • Using clipping layers with Layer Masks
  • Masks and filters
  • Masks and adjustment layers
  • Masks and selections
  • Shortcuts

Create a Layer Mask (all visible)

You create a new mask by clicking on the Add Layer Mask icon add mask.
This will create by default a white mask, meaning that no pixels of the layer will be affected; our document window will be filled with green:

Create Mask (all visible)

Create a Layer Mask (all hidden)

You'll create a mask that is filled with black when you hold down the Alt key (option key on the Mac) while clicking on the Add Layer Mask icon add mask. This means that all pixels in that layer will be hidden; our document window will be filled with white, since the layer above is completely hidden:

Create Mask (all hidden)

Use a brush to paint on the layer mask

You can also paint on masks using a brush. In this example I drew two lines in black. What is black in the mask will be hidden in the layer:

Paint on Mask

Active Layer Mask

An active Layer Mask can be recognized by:
  • a Layer Mask icon Layer Mask in front of the layer (marked with red circle)
  • a double border surrounding the Layer Mask (marked with red arrow)
Active Layer Mask

Inactive Layer Mask (layer is active instead)

An active Layer Mask can be recognized by:
  • a brush icon Brushin front of the layer (marked with red circle)
  • a double border surrounding the layer in the layers palette (red arrow)
Non Active Layer Mask

Unlinked Layer Mask

By default a layer and its masked are linked, meaning that moving the layer will also move the mask or moving the mask will also move the layer. We can unlink the layer and its mask by clicking on the link icon Mask. Both layer and mask can then be moved independently. The red ellipse shows where we have removed the link.

Unlinked Layer Mask

Disable a Layer Mask

You can disable a layer mask by holding down the shift key while clicking on the mask. The layer mask will then be marked with a large red cross.

Disabling a Layer Mask

Masks and adjustment layers

Masks can be used with adjustment layers. Have you ever added a new adjustment layer and did you notice a white square on the right of it in the layers palette; well, that's a mask. By default Photoshop adds a white mask (all visible) to every new adjustment layer.

Look at this example:

Layer with paper box and mask attached.

We have a background filled with a gradient and on top of that we have a box that has a layer mask attached to it. The layer mask has made the white background of the box layer invisible and that's why we're now looking at the background gradient of the background layer.

In the next example we've activated eye the Hue & Saturation adjustment layer that is clipped to the box layer(Ctrl+G ( Command + G on the Mac) or Ctrl + Alt + G ( Command + Option + G on the Mac) if you're using Photoshop CS2), so that it will only affect that particular layer:

Activated Hue & Saturation layer adjustment layer

Notice how we used the Hue & Saturation adjustment layer to change the color of the box to blue. Its mask was disabled.

In the next example we've activated the mask that contains a linear gradient going from white (top) to black (bottom). Remember what I said earlier; lighter grays decrease the transparency, darker grays increase the transparency. The mask has used this to affect the result of the original Hue & Saturation adjustment layer.

Effect of gradient mask

Masks and selections

One way to create a mask is by using a selection. In this example I've selected a paper box:

Selected paper box


When we now click on the New Mask icon mask, Photoshop will add a mask that is based on this selection:

Mask based on selection


Important to know is that you can also invert a mask. In the next image I've selected the mask (notice the double border) and pressed Ctrl + i (Command + i on the Mac):

Inverted mask

You can also invert an image using the menu: Image / Adjustments / Invert.

If we don't change the mask after we've created it, then we can use this mask to return to our original selection. This is done by a Ctrl + left mouse click on the layer mask (Ctrl is command key on the Mac). The layer doesn't need to be active for this.
Being able to convert a mask to a selection is a great advantage, because it allows us to save a selection without the need to save it in a channel. It's also an advantage to see what is selected and masks allow us to do this.

If you have created a mask based on a selection and want to save this mask because you're planning to make adjustments to it, then either save it as a channel or duplicate the layer and make it invisible.

Clipping Mask

First things first, select the 'Type Tool (T)' (or press the 'T' key on the keyboard to make it the active tool). Place a type object onto your document.

Next, as I have captured below, place the target image above the type layer (in my case, just the letter 'T'). The basic idea here, is to have an image automatically appear inside a type layer without any complex erasing or manipulating of either layer.

Next, as I have captured below, hold the Alt key (Mac: Option key) and place your cursor at the dividing area between the two layers until you see the 'Clipping Mask' cursor appear . While that cursor is visible, click once ...

... and you should see the upper layer indent and marked with a downward arrowhead (the 'Clipping Mask' icon). As well, the target layer also indicates a Clipping Mask is attached, as the layer title is now underlined.

Here's the quick end result.

1.) Ctrl + G (Mac: Command + G) key combination on the upper layer.
2.) Link the layers you want to create a clipping group, and choose 'Layer/Create Clipping Mask from Linked'.

To release the 'Clipping Mask':
1.) Shift + Ctrl + G (Mac: Shift + Command + G) on either layer within the group.
2.) Repeat the above original step of Alt + click (Mac: Option key + click) on the dividing area between the two Layers.
3.) Link the layers you want to create a clipping group, and choose 'Layer/Release Clipping Mask'.

Use the 'Move Tool (V)' on the image layer (like in the above example) and notice how it moves without it affecting the mask.
Turning visibility off to the base Clipping Layer (the one thats marked with an underline in the title name), also hides the layers that are grouped with it.

Paste Into

Another method of having an image appear inside a text/type layer, requires these short steps.

Copy an image into the Clipboard that you want to use. Ctrl + click (Mac: Command + click) on the type thumbnail in the Layers Palette to reveal a transparent selection. (As I have captured below, indicated by the Marquee))

Next, go to 'Edit/Paste Into', and the image will be placed into a Layer Masked version of the type layer. (As I have captured below).

Thus, producing the same end result as the above 'Clipping Mask' technique.

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